Installation view

Pool, 25 x 35 x 10”, digital print on curved steel, 2012.

detail (reflection on floor) from Second Minute

Second Minute, 14” x 28”, Repurposed clock fitted with double mirrors, wood, mirror, paint, 2012

Emanuelle’s Ear, 30 x 40”, digital pigment print in wood frame. 2012

Horizon, 35” x 40” and 9” x 18”, Framed inkjet photograph, cut beveled mirror, light, reflection (spotlight creates a prism on the mirror bevel), 2012. Collaboration with Carlos Vela Prado

detail of Train to Niebla. Collaboration with Carlos Vela Prado

Train to Niebla, custom table sculpture housing a digital video projection. Video is projected onto angled mirrors (inside bottom shelf) that project the video both onto the facing wall and up through the magnification of my father’s reading glasses onto a tabletop of frosted plexiglass. The image seen on the plexiglass is refracted into spiraling points of light, an abstraction of what can be seen clearly on the wall. Digital projector, steel table, sintra, frosted plexiglass, fresnel lens, fathers glasses. Dimensions variable. 2012. Collaboration with Carlos Vela Prado

Installation view
Pool, 25 x 35 x 10”, digital print on curved steel, 2012.
detail (reflection on floor) from Second Minute
Second Minute, 14” x 28”, Repurposed clock fitted with double mirrors, wood, mirror, paint, 2012
Emanuelle’s Ear, 30 x 40”, digital pigment print in wood frame. 2012
Horizon, 35” x 40” and 9” x 18”, Framed inkjet photograph, cut beveled mirror, light, reflection (spotlight creates a prism on the mirror bevel), 2012. Collaboration with Carlos Vela Prado
detail of Train to Niebla. Collaboration with Carlos Vela Prado
Train to Niebla, custom table sculpture housing a digital video projection. Video is projected onto angled mirrors (inside bottom shelf) that project the video both onto the facing wall and up through the magnification of my father’s reading glasses onto a tabletop of frosted plexiglass. The image seen on the plexiglass is refracted into spiraling points of light, an abstraction of what can be seen clearly on the wall. Digital projector, steel table, sintra, frosted plexiglass, fresnel lens, fathers glasses. Dimensions variable. 2012. Collaboration with Carlos Vela Prado